Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Fall 2016
MusicXML Parser
Joel Sprinkle
SCS Honours Project Image
Musicians use sheet music to represent musical compositions, known as scores, in a textual form. Traditionally, paper has been the medium for creating and sharing sheet music; however, this is changing. For over 10 years now developers have been working on and improving a product that stores sheet music digitally in plain text so that it can be easily shared and manipulated by musicians. This product is called MusicXML, it uses XML to store musical notation digitally, and it has become the standard open format for representing sheet music. The purpose of this project is to create a desktop application built in Java that can keep track of a library of MusicXML files in a database and parse these files on the fly. Covered in this report is the reasoning for creating the application, what tools were used, and how these tools were used to implement the project. As well, the design of the project, issues encountered when creating the application, and what was accomplished is detailed.