Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2011
Phoenix : An XNA Game Engine fused with SQL Database technology for Project Information Management.
Jordan Myronuk
SCS Honours Project Image
Phoenix is an information management system designed to collaborate information between many users over a project that can be represented by virtual three-dimensional models. It integrates technology from Microsoft's XNA Game Development Studio for its game engine, Structured Query Language provided by Microsoft's SQL Server 2008 for state persistence, and social networking via Microsoft Exchange Server. The end result is a 3D realm which models a physical world in which different users input data and collaborate within a network server. Users are able to interact with an environment from any point of view in order to focus on a model of interest. They can then tag the appropriate information to it and this tag can be seen and interacted with by the rest of the network. Elements within the database are made available to users through the Internet, or alternatively through the corporate Virtual Private Network (VPN) which takes care of any security concerns wherein data could be made visible to a potential eavesdropper. The end result is a seamless fusion of business and entertainment, combining to create an application that any user can find both elegant and entertaining.