Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2017
Taskery: A Gamified To-Do List Application
Remy Gratwohl
SCS Honours Project Image
Gamification is continuing to be a very popular topic in the field of mobile application development, with increasingly more companies using it in their apps. Productivity is a sector where gamification lends itself well, as one of its core benefits is in user engagement. To-do list applications heavily benefit from an increase in user engagement, and thus it’s unsurprising that there exist apps on the market that are exactly that combine the two. Left unsatisfied with the service they provided, I decided to try and improve upon their short comings and ultimately combine all the knowledge into a gamified to-do list app called Taskery. Leveraging mechanics from popular video games, Taskery attempts to mimic the feel of a fantasy role playing game to help the user accomplish their daily tasks. Focusing heavily on the user experience, it offers a cute, intuitive visual style along with custom character creation, detailed task creation, and statistics.