Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2018
Graph-based Game Design Tool with Constrained Procedural Generation
Alexandre Skipper
SCS Honours Project Image
Designing adventure games is a complicated process involving world building and often times convoluted puzzle design with a myriad of intricate relations and dependencies holding it all together. Many pitfalls including the unwinnable game states can occur during this process. The Graph-based Game Design Tool with Constrained Procedural Generation, henceforth known as “the tool”, is intended for use by world builders and game designers to assist in the construction of adventure games. The aim of the tool is to provide a means to create a structured set of objectives and tie them to locations in a game world, help maintain a consistent narrative, visualize the game world, and to procedurally generate new content. This paper will outline the design and development process of the tool as well as analyse the results of user testing from a hosted Game Jam specifically tuned to this purpose, and discuss the weaknesses and potential of the end product.