Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2018
SnapFits - A Snapchat Clone for the Young & Fashionable
Alnoor Kara
SCS Honours Project Image
SnapFits is a Snapchat clone used to teach beginner iOS developers how to build a popular mobile app, while also implementing their own personalized features. Using the step-by-step guide provided, anyone with little or no knowledge in Swift programming, can go and build their own version of Snapchat. They also will be introduced to Google's Firebase platform which assists the developer with user authentication, database management, and storage. The feature I added in my iteration of Snapchat was a feature, where a user can rate another user's "snap" of their own outfit otherwise known as their "fit" by replying with their own "snap" where a star rating can be placed on the image itself.