Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Fall 2018
Investigation of two schemes for the generation of hexagonal maps
Noura Murad
SCS Honours Project Image
The goal of this project is to investigate between two methods of building a hexagonal map in a three dimensional game environment. To achieve this goal Unity Engine will be used to build the map, and Unity Profiler Window will be used to test the efficiency of the maps. Hexagonal maps are a commonly used design in video games and board games. Hex maps can be created either by building the map using hexagonal tiles where each tile is an instantiated hex mesh. Or the map is built using a hexagonal grid that is applied on a quad or a terrain. The hexagonal map can be built using two different layouts, horizontal and vertical layout. Both approaches and both layouts are implemented in this project. This document will discuss both the generation process and management of the approaches in detail. After the generation and management of both maps tests of construction and management runtime, memory usage, and user input handling are applied to both approaches. In conclusion the hexagonal tiled map generation and management approach was the most efficient approach in building a hexagonal map.