Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Fall 2018
Jonathan Austin
SCS Honours Project Image
TheJobSeekr is a Reactjs Web Application that allows for users to search for and apply to jobs. Currently, the user can search through and apply for jobs at Airbnb. The application framework is client-server-database where the entirety of the client-server-database is also hosted on the cloud. One server is hosted with Heroku, where the other server and the client are hosted with Amazon Web Services. Both servers use Spring RESTful Frameworks to communicate with the client, Google Firebase Auth, and Google Firestore. The client is a Reactjs user interface with its own routing to serve the user web pages. It communicates with Google Firebase Auth once and with both servers for the rest of its requests. This Report will first introduce the issue at hand, and propose a solution to the problem, thus introducing the application. The next chapter will outline most of the tools the client and servers use throughout the project. Chapter 3 will give an overview of the different project views of the project. Chapter 4 will go deep into the implementation of the project, exploring the communication that the client and the servers have. Finally, chapter 5 will offer some closing remarks, and some improvements, as well as some acknowledgements.