Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2019
FindMySeat Carleton: An Android Application
Jori El-saikali
SCS Honours Project Image
FindMySeat Carleton is an android application developed with the goal of helping current students attending Carleton University to find available seating around the campus. The application allows the user to either update a table’s status (either Available or Taken) gaining entries into a bi-weekly draw (the more entries a user has, the higher their chances of winning are) and provides the option of finding available seating based on some required criteria (Number of seats, Building, Floor). The app is able to provide this functionality by displaying the location of available seating using the Google Maps API along with the seatings latitude and longitude. FindMySeat Carleton also uses the ZXingScannerView library to allow the user to scan labels placed on the seating area which contains QR codes to update the database on whether the seating area is available or taken.