Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2019
Synthesis of Random Phase Textures from Non-Uniform Samples
Cooper Jones
SCS Honours Project Image
Micro textures are a class of texture which, when Fourier transformed, have their characteristics (to the human eye) described mainly by the magnitude of the Fourier coefficients and not the phases. An algorithm was created to make new, visually alike but whole arti cial, textures from image samples of microtextures by altering the phases of their Fourier coefficients. These new textures are known as Random Phase Textures. The goal of this paper was to modify this algorithm so that the image samples need not be rectangular in shape (non-uniform). This was done through slight modi cation to and mathematical analysis of the nature of the Fourier transform. Ultimately, we were able to modify the original algorithm to accept and process non-uniform samples and produce result we would expect from the original Random Phase Texture, thus opening new applications and broadening the use cases for the Random Phase Texture algorithm.