Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2019
Scalable Vector Graphics Entity-Relationship Diagramming Tool
Lee Mccallum
SCS Honours Project Image
The Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Tool (SVGERD) is a web component that can support the display and editing of ER Diagrams. Once the user is finished adding and connecting the entities, relationships and attributes that they require, they can export the model for import at a later date, with the diagram appearing exactly as they left it. The user can also export their diagram to SVG, allowing for easier manipulation of the diagram than an image affords. From a technology perspective, with many capabilities of a generic diagramming tool already satisfied by the ​svg.js​ ​ open source project and associated plugins, such as drag/drop and pan/zoom, we leverage this library to fulfill the breadth of the requirements for creating ERDs. Finally, this tool is ultimately expected to form the basis for a visual frontend to Professor Nel’s ​Functional Dependency Normalizer.