Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Fall 2019
PDF-MP3 Synchronization Player
Xiang Zuo
SCS Honours Project Image
Music lovers and musicians increasingly enjoy using software to help them practice music. There are lots of existing online applications that can play the music and display the music score sheet on the same page. However, most of the apps cannot show the user where is the corresponding part of the music sheet when playing the music. This project is going to build a web-based application that can help the user to synchronize the music score sheet with the music so that the user knows which part of the music sheet is playing. This application also allows the user to upload music score sheets and music and synchronize them together. This project is using image detection technology provided by OpenCV to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the process of the music score sheet. The final product can provide a synchronization service for music score sheets and music within a reasonable time based on the user's upload files.