Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Fall 2019
Big Picture: A 3D System for Educational Notes
SCS Honours Project Image
Each person has a mental model for each subject they have learned. These models all work together, and impact each other. For example, mathematical concepts being learned in university can be applied to biological concepts previously learned in high school IF the user can see the link between the two. Understanding the impact between models can also aid the person in innovating solutions to problems in one or more models. The problem though, with traditional notes (e.g. word document), is that traditional notes are isolated (no clear link between one word document and another) and unidirectional (can only write downwards on the paper). These limitations in traditional note taking were what inspired the creation of a system that would allow the user to better document what they have learned to aid learning and future reference. The idea was to create a system in which the user can make clear links between notes (pieces of information) to convert the traditional unidirectional model into a new multidirectional model that better replicates their mental models of a topic.