Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Fall 2019
Three techniques that help to improve the AI of the card game "Love Letter"
Libo Long
SCS Honours Project Image
Games can be divided into perfect information games and imperfect information games. In game theory, the perfect information game is the one in which players on both sides have identical and complete information at each decision point. The artificial intelligence of imperfect information games has been considered the most challenging field in game solving. On the one hand, the model-based algorithm is universally used to solve perfect information games, such as chess or puzzles. On the other hand, model building is a complex or impossible process in some cases regarding the imperfect information game. Therefore, a model-free algorithm must be developed and improved by researchers. In this report, I present my study and implementation of several technologies based on an imperfect information game called “Love Letter”. This report focuses on abstracting game information and balancing the advantages and disadvantages of each technology through experiment.