Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2020
Real Time Mesh Creation in Virtual Reality: A Study in Human-Game Interaction
Nicholas Aubé
SCS Honours Project Image
The objective of this project is to create a framework in which a player can use a series on arm and hand gestures to create, scale, and texture object meshes from within a virtual reality game environment. Once the meshes are created, the user is able to interact with the objects by picking them up so that the objects can be moved, rotated, or thrown. Key components of the system include being able to run at high framerates to prevent motion sickness caused by lag within the system. To have object behaviour feel natural within the environment, using a good physics engine is also important. It is also important for the system to provide all the tools for users to be able to complete tasks that they are challenged with, and for the system to be able to be used in such a way as to complete those objectives.