Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2020
geoCRM - Customer Relationship Manager Geo-Services
Klaus Cumani
SCS Honours Project Image
The current process of queueing at service locations seems to be time consuming and frustrating. In today's world, the availability of smart devices with accurate location and time enabled capabilities makes it possible to develop location and time aware applications that cater in. The main objective of geoCRM is to facilitate and optimize customer relationship management for a wide range of municipality services. A front-end application is available to users, that offers live check in and check out of queues with unique mapping and monitoring capabilities. The idea behind this application is to provide a solution to businesses to manage their queues without requiring significant investment or technological infrastructure. The geoCRM application brings value in connecting the business to the client; allowing the client to monitor the queue lengths from the comfort of their homes, making informed decisions to pick the least crowed location and better use of their precious time. Following research, this application was designed, built ant thoroughly tested to use live geographical data to achieve the expected project goals in improving user experience.