Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2020
Comparison of Acceptance Testing Tools for an Asynchronous Application In C++ and Java
Randy Taylor
SCS Honours Project Image
This project explores the level of difficulty and challenges faced when dealing with the parallel execution of an acceptance test suite that follows behaviour-driven development (BDD) in C++ compared to Java. Specifically, it looks at problematic test cases involving multiple concurrent clients within an asynchronous client-server university application. This problem was already explored in Java using the Cucumber testing framework with an asynchronous client-server university system, where it was found to be difficult to run and implement correctly, and non-trivial to conceptualize. This project shows that the same problems exist within C++ and the doctest testing framework, and that there is a lack of support for true, fully-featured BDD testing frameworks with support for parallel execution like Cucumber in the C++ ecosystem.