Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2020
Enhancing COMP 2406 Through Frameworks
Ahmad Farhat
SCS Honours Project Image
Having taken the COMP2406 course and been the teacher’s assistant 4 times, the struggle students face as the course progresses is evident. After spending two years working through web developer co-op positions, I realized that the concept in which web development was being taught at Carleton University was insufficient for its application in the workforce. To improve the current course, I compared Carleton University’s web development class to some of the top universities in the world. Based on the outcome of this analysis, I constructed a proposal for alternative teaching methods that will enhance the learning experience in COMP2406 putting it at the same level of other institutions. I further explored the possibility of adding at least one more web development course to the Bachelor of Computer Science that would build off the base concepts taught in the first course. The purpose of these academic enhancements is to assist students in the Bachelor of Computer Science program at Carleton University with developing the skills COMP2406 illustrates.