Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Summer 2020
Full Stack Web Development - Change History of Code Snippets in SO and GitHub
Majd Al khany
SCS Honours Project Image
The goal of this project is to develop a full website consisting of the front end, back end, and database to showcase the change history of code snippets in Stack Overflow and GitHub. Full stack development is an important asset in today’s landscape, as more people gain access to the internet world-wide through increasingly affordable mobile devices. The development of this website serves as a learning experience for gaining knowledge and appreciation of web development and how versatile it is. It also helps in the application of web development and software engineering skills acquired through COMP 3004 and COMP 2406, such as design patterns and adapting to changing client needs. The project was developed with support from MCS student Saraj Manes in terms of input and requirements. It involves the transfer of the data into a database, organizing it and displaying it to the user. The data consists of a collection of GitHub commits and their associated code, which will be displayed on the website (the front end) for users to view. The users also can search through these commits by the specified filters to further refine the result. The back end serves as the controller and middleman between the website and the database. The database is responsible for organizing and storing the GitHub commit entries. All these elements work together to provide the user with a clean view and smooth user experience, which is an asset in today’s evolving IoT climate.