Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Summer 2020
Authentication and Moderation of an online classroom environment using JavaScript and Discord
SCS Honours Project Image
The increasing popularity of online platforms and tools has been used to help facilitate learning for several years now. Discord is a web-based application similar to that of Skype. It allows you to connect with people from across the world in personalized ‘servers’ that act as a hub to where these people can gather. Discord has thrived as a useful tool to allow for real-time conversation between groups of people where it is necessary. BOTs are created by developers through the Discord application and can be used to manage and direct these groups of people, and allow otherwise tedious work, to be handled instantaneously through use of well-designed commands. The focus of this project was to create a Discord BOT that could be used to moderate and watch over a server in a school and learning environment. As well as authenticate and verify new users joining to assure that the correct people are able to access the content that is being delivered in both a school, as well as a general setting.