Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Summer 2020
3D mesh re-calculator that composes two or more meshes intercepting each other into one mesh.
SCS Honours Project Image
Loading huge numbers of meshes in a game scene can be a heavy job and makes the game runs slow, the ideal goal for this project is to make a re-calculator for situations when there are multiple meshes intercepting each other in a game scene and combining them into one mesh. This tool/method should be useful for improving loading speed. One of the solution is to compute the vertices of the models and calculate the vertices position to check which group of the vertices are inside the model, then get rid of those parts, but another solution came up in this project is to have multiple cameras to scan the model, recording the faces that are visible to the camera with a specific face ID, after the scanning part is done, render the new model that only has the visible faces, which can perform a faster loading speed.