Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Fall 2020
Implementation of AI in Card Game
Peng Li
SCS Honours Project Image
Fight the landlord is a famous game among Chinese folks, the people in china usually call it dou dizhu. During cultural revolution in China, people were suffering from wealth polarization, peasants start to use their own way to fight against the landlord and the richer. Under this circumstance, Fight the landlord was created and become popular in China. The game requires a pack of 54 cards which including the two differentiated jokers. The game starts with players biding with the “landlord”, the rest of the two loose bid enter the game as a farmer team. Each player holds 17 cards, the landlord would have extra 3 cards. The player who finished the card in his hand would be the winner. In the 21st century, Chinese people play this game everywhere, such as traveling, hanging out, or even after work, but they would rather prefer playing with real people, instead of playing with robots. Since the game producer-only includes some simple logic into the game, the experience of playing with robots cannot compare with real people. Artificial intelligence is much closer than how a real human being will think. Therefore, it is time to make some changes to this game to make it more attractive for players.