Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Fall 2020
A better COVID-19 Elevator Algorithm
Ethann Yakabuski
SCS Honours Project Image
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been advised that elevator cabs should have at most one passenger. This unforeseen constraint creates the situation in which a regular elevator algorithm will stop and open its door in order to attempt and pick up more passengers even though there is already one in the cab. This results in lots of wasted time, not only from the time spent on the door opening and closing, but also the extra time required for the elevator to slow down to a halt. This increases the trip time not only of the passenger in the cab, but it also affects the wait time of all other passengers in the building who are currently waiting for their turn. A new COVID-19 era optimal elevator algorithm has been proposed which promises to never open its door unnecessarily. Through software simulation it can be verified that this new algorithm has substantial improvement to other elevator algorithms that allow multiple passengers per cabin in a pandemic situation. The simulation software provides controls to simulate buildings with up to 30 rooms and 30 floors with up to 8 elevators each with programmable door speed and travel velocity that are all modified using a simple GUI.