Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2021
Validating the Security of BPFContain's Process Confinement
Isaac Ault
SCS Honours Project Image
With process confinement solutions increasing in popularity and use, the importance of the security functionality that they provide is increasing as well. As there is currently no documented testing completed on these solutions for this purpose, the security has little validation in a world of ever changing software dependencies. Here we implement validation testing for Findlay et al.'s BPFContain, a process confinement solution that provides an eBPF-based implementation to security, to verify the functionality it provides. As well, we provide documentation outlining the installation and deployment of BPFContain for future system administrators to reference alongside the test results, thus providing an understanding of implementation as well as a validation of functionality. Although the coverage of the tests completed was not the entirety of BPFContain's functionality provided, the tests executed all passed, validating a subset of BPFContain's functionality. With room for more tests, this research lays the framework for testing the secure functionality of BPFContain and other process confinement solutions in the future.