Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2021
Port Development for Formal Query Language to SQL Converter Program
Mathieu Leblanc
SCS Honours Project Image
Relational Algebra is a procedural formal language presented in Database related courses in order to expose students to the basic operations used in the relational model. A viable method for verifying ALG statement accuracy has been needed for some time, as students have had to complete Assignments and other summative forms of assessment without any available formative tool. This project aims to provide that tool by reworking an existing program to work on more modern systems, as well as to add missing forms of functionality, and fixing any errors uncovered during this process. To this end, we must first determine how the program has been designed, take note of the functionality that has been provided, and determine has yet to be done. Subsequently, fixes should be made on any existing errors. Finally, testing must be done to ensure proper execution of all Relational Algebra operations. Considerations must be made after successful development and testing to determine outstanding issues and how the program can be expanded.