Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2022
Comparing social media platforms
Salah Al-zabet
SCS Honours Project Image
Over the last decade, the internet has transformed in various ways, and with that came significant shifts in our social media presence and platforms. The ease of access and use of these social media services is what brings us closer together and connects our world. However, with that also arise issues of cyberbullying, hate speech, and harassment. The goal of this project is to study and investigate the environments of these social media websites. More specifically, I scrapped content from major social media providers such as Reddit and YouTube and provided a quantitive and qualitative report on sightings of hate/abuse found on their platforms. In which, I gauged the degree of hate/offence on each of these platforms in hopes that it will assist content moderators, social media platforms, and site owners to gain a better understanding of the settings that foster negativity on their platforms.