Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2022
Lumière Exagéré
Omar Garcia flores
SCS Honours Project Image
Lumière exagéré is an art installation based on the idea that a person can control light and sound in an area around them. This originated as I had a lot of interest in making something that a person could interact with in real life rather in the digital world, or through VR glasses or through the browser. The goal was to create a fully immersive experience with three different “walls” of LEDs in a room and have the person interact with them through an Xbox Kinect sensor. This project does not necessarily provide a solution to a problem, neither is a piece of code that could be marketable. With that in mind, this project created an immersive and unique experience for the people that interacted with it during KOSMIC 2022. A demonstration can be found on the following link