Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2022 – An app for Slack empowering remote companies to become more social
SCS Honours Project Image
ABSTRACT is a Slack app that was created to help remote companies become more social. In the era of remote work, employees are feeling more disconnected and lonelier than ever, impacting productivity and culture. Workitt helps mitigate this issue by facilitating various fun challenges i.e., working out, mindfulness where participants post pictures of completion. The goal is for employees and co workers to see the lives of their colleagues in settings unrelated to work. As participants post, Workitt counts each users posts and keeps an up-to-date leaderboard which is posted daily. The healthy competition helps introduce an environment where all participants can chirp and cheer each other one. There are few platforms like Workitt focused on wellbeing, with none able to be integrated into Slack, instead of having an external platform that employees must use. Workitt is accessible to all via Slack with no barrier to entry. The process of getting started is also very quick where once Workitt is added to a Slack workspace, an admin can easily create a challenge, invite people to it and start building a more social culture immediately!