Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2022
Node.js Based Servers and Web Apps
SCS Honours Project Image
Twitter is a simple social networking platform that most people are familiar with. Building a basic clone of Twitter is well within the scope of COMP 2406. Having taken the course myself, I found that it taught excellent modern technologies (Node, Express), but fell short on the techniques that are used in the industry, the main one being decoupling the frontend from the backend. My proposal is to build a set of tutorials that slightly increase in complexity as the course progresses, and by the time the course is completed the student would have a working clone of Twitter with both a frontend and a backend. This type of project, while being a set of tutorials that a student can follow, would end up allowing each student to build something unique. Whether it is the code style they use, or the CSS of the page, it is somewhat open ended to allow students to explore more concepts on their own that aren’t otherwise covered in the course.