Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2022
Educational Linear Algebra Game
Eren Kaya
SCS Honours Project Image
Many high school students find mathematics difficult to learn because of the hard to explain concepts and tedious calculations. This paper documents an attempt to create an educational game to teach students about linear algebra. By conveying math concepts through games, students should have a more enjoyable experience building their skills. A simple linear algebra game was created using a game engine called GDevelop. The game involves manipulating a grid of numbers until a certain configuration of numbers is reached. The player must complete this task with a limited number of moves. During the development process, various game engines and frameworks were investigated to see which is ideal for a new developer. The final product functions correctly, but the gameplay is slow. The game itself can be extended to have a level editor, game modes with restricted operations and leaderboards. These extensions would lead to a better user experience.