Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2022
Rocket League Left Goes Kickoff Strategy Analysis
Michael Charlton
SCS Honours Project Image
My Honours project is a continuation of my COMP 4900 Project about Rocket League optimum kickoff strategy, determining whether or not the Left Goes is a Pareto dominating kickoff strategy using game theory. A strategy is Pareto dominating when giving two outcomes, one is at least as good as the other and is strictly preferred by one agent. Using the experimental design I came up with by expanding upon my previous project to test Left Goes vs other kickoff strategies. This was done by collecting more data to ensurer an accurate conclusion of my findings and expanding the criteria by also collecting data on the 2v2 mode alongside the normal 3v3 mode to determine if there is a difference in kickoffs strategy success depending on the game mode you play as well if both game modes share a proto dominating kickoff strategy.