Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2022
CSSResources: A Web-based Computer Science Study Resources
David Kenyi
SCS Honours Project Image
CSSResources is a web-based application that enables instructors to share course materials such as lecture slides, videos and tutorials with students. The existing university course platform only offers interaction between students and instructors through emails but no reference to any specific material. Also, one must navigate to a specific course page in order to send their email. CSSResources solve these limitations by displaying contents from all courses taught by an instructor or those that a student user has registered in on one page. Instead of sending emails, the students and instructors post comments to each course material. This reduces the wait time between responses and the need to wait to visit office hours. CSSResources application allows the instructor to create course offerings and add students and contents to it. Students then access the course materials for all the courses they’re registered and make comments. The instructor and their TAs can respond to comments posted to each course content.