Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Winter 2022
Yvan Niyonzima
SCS Honours Project Image
This project is an Android news app called Newsroom that provides its users with recent articles based on selected topics of their choice and includes chatrooms where they can talk about those common news articles of interest. The idea behind Newsroom is to give people access to an abundance of news and stories from all around the world whilst creating a community where users can share opinions about content of common interest in a safe and civilized manner. The chatrooms are alternative to other means of sharing thoughts, such as comment, where the creator of the chatroom is given the responsibility of being a moderator. The moderator has access to controls over the chatroom that allow them to keep the conversions civilized and take action that are in the best interests of all members, such as changing the status between public and private, banning users, or deleting the chatroom.