Carleton University - School of Computer Science Honours Project
Summer 2022
Catalog SSD
Ifunayachi Anomneze
SCS Honours Project Image
This project is a desktop-based web application which uses a React frontend and an Express backend which is connected to a Postgresql server. The name of the application is Catalog SSD. SSD stands for Sort Style and Donate. The purpose of this web application is to provide users with a way to keep track of their clothing items and look for places to donate these items. My goal was to provide a community aspect to the project to encourage users to donate items they no longer used. The motivation for this project is the CS 4 Social Good initiative, which uses technology to solve different social problems. Currently, clothing overconsumption is an issue that is plaguing the world however, despite there being those who possess an excess of clothing there are still those in need. This issue is why I believe this project is very necessary and could help many in the future.