Installing Entity Relationship Diagram Design Tool Note: This install instruction does not have any image representation, a brief install instructions can be found in the report, section 9. 1. Download and install Eclipse Oxygen (IDE for Java EE developers): 2. Make sure you have jre1.8.0_40 or higher is installed in your system (Recommended is jre1.8.0_144) Otherwise you might get an error similar to this: 3. Extract the submitted honour project zip file into a temporary directory 4. Launch Eclipse 5. Click File menu and select “Import…” 6. Under the “General" section, select “Existing Projects into Workspace” option 7. Click on “Browse” button and navigate to the temporary directory that you extracted the project zip and choose “erddesigntool” project 8. Click on “Window” then select “Perspective” then click “Open Perspective” and select “Others…” then select “Java” and click “Open” 9. Right Click on the “erddesigntool” project then click “Run As” and select “Java Application”. Now the Entity Relationship Diagram Design Tool will launch…